Eddie Blumenthal Poker

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Eddie Blumenthal poker results, stats, photos, videos, news, magazine columns, blogs, Twitter, and more. Others to cash the WSOPC Potawatomi Main Event were Eddie Blumenthal (14th for $11,579), four-time ring winner Mark Fink (34th for $3,932), TK Miles (42nd for $3,533), and the man tied with. Profiul de jucator al lui Eddie Blumenthal. Informatii, ultimele rezultate, galerie. 2014 World Series of Poker Event #31: $1,500 No-Limit Hold'em: 48 th: $7,178.

Stud Hi-Lo

BlumenthalEddie blumenthal poker rules

Eddie Blumenthal: /
David Brookshire: /
Eric Rodawig: /

Eddie Blumenthal was the bring in, David Brookshire completed, Eric Rodawig called and Blumenthal called.

Rodawig checked on third street, as did Blumenthal. Brookshire bet and both opponents called.

Fifth street is where things got really intense. Blumenthal made an open pair of jacks and bet, Brookshire raised, Rodawig called, Blumenthal reraised, Brookshire called and Rodawig called.

Blumenthal bet his remaining 5,000 on sixth and both Brookshire and Rodawig called.

Brookshire bet on seventh street, Rodawig raised and Brookshire called.

Rodawig tabled for a seven-six low, Brookshire showed for trip queens, and Blumenthal said he had a flush draw as he showed and squeezed his final card. However, it was a useless and he was eliminated in 12th place while Brookshire and Rodawig chopped the pot.

No-Limit Hold'em

Eddie Blumenthal Poker Games

Ayaz Mahmood raised to 450,000 on his button and Eddie Blumenthal three-bet shoved out of the small blind. Jerry Odeen peeled a strong hand in the big blind and he reshoved, forcing fold from Mahmood.

Eddie Blumenthal Poker


Eddie Blumenthal Poker Tournaments



'King-queen-ten!' Blumenthal demanded, but the dealer rolled out a flop of .

'Three hearts!' Blumenthal changed his wishes.

The turn was the , giving him some hope.

Eddie Blumenthal Poker Chair

'One time, let's go! Heart, heart!' Blumenthal shouted.

Eddie Blumenthal Poker Rules

But the hit the felt and Odeen's queens held. Blumenthal was eliminated in sixth while Odeen vaulted into the lead.