Types Of Gambling

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As we discuss the various types of gambling in the following sections, be sure to pay careful attention to any mention of the house edge or vigorish. These are meant to ensure a profit for the casino, but the astute gambler can sometimes come out ahead by seeking advantageous odds and avoiding sucker bets. Gambling, unlike other forms of addiction is tough to spot because there aren't any physical symptoms, learn about the different types of gambling addictions. Ready to get help? Call 855-972-9760 Request a call. People enjoy the thrill they get from gambling and the risk that comes with it. Like shopping, gambling is a type of impulse control disorder. Those who are addicted to gambling often become obsessed with the thought of winning back the money they have lost, and so they continue to gamble despite the financial consequences. Known as the crack cocaine of gambling, as they are the type of gambling today associated with the greatest rates of addiction. Expected Return o Avg. Player loss after betting 1 dollar 100 times:.$ 50 Nevada. $80 Alberta. $250-$100 in many jurisdictions. lower losses for higher denomination machines and full coins.

  1. Types Of Gambling Machines
  2. Types Of Gambling Addictions
  3. Types Of Gambling In China
  4. Types Of Gambling Addiction
  5. Types Of Gambling Tables

The progressive disease of addiction affects millions of Americans, and its’ devastating impacts go beyond the life of the addict.

Addiction affects the family and loved ones of the addict as well as the community and can lead to strained relationships, dysfunction, unemployment and incarceration–just to name a few of the consequences. According to various estimates, about 3.6 million people in the United States are addicted to or dependent on a wide range of drugs. Many are addicted to more than one. In addition, there are about 18.7 million alcoholics. However, there are millions more who may be addicted to things and activities that are outside the scope of drugs and alcohol. While it is true that people can technically be addicted to anything, the term addiction can be used liberally and can lose its’ true meaning. It is important to understand what addiction really is, what it does and some common things and activities that people can engage in an addictive fashion.

The Definition of Addiction

According to the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM), the definition of addiction is the following:

Addiction is a primary, chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory and related circuitry. Dysfunction in these circuits leads to characteristic biological, psychological, social and spiritual manifestations. This is reflected in an individual pathologically pursuing reward and/or relief by substance use and other behaviors. Addiction is characterized by inability to consistently abstain, impairment in behavioral control, craving, diminished recognition of significant problems with one’s behaviors and interpersonal relationships, and a dysfunctional emotional response. Like other chronic diseases, addiction often involves cycles of relapse and remission. Without treatment or engagement in recovery activities, addiction is progressive and can result in disability or premature death.

To break it down in the simplest terms possible, addiction centers on the behaviors of those who are affected by this disease. While the degrees of separation that exist between addiction and dependence can be can vague, those who display true addictive behaviors focus their energies on obtaining the substance or performing an activity to such an absolute degree they fail to meet their personal, social, familial, educational and professional responsibilities. Additionally, those who are in the grips of addiction act impulsively and even recklessly and will continue to engage in this pattern of behavior despite the consequences of their actions.

Addiction: It Can Happen to Anyone

Oftentimes when people think about addicts, they may associate the term with those who are derelict or exist on the margins of society. In reality, addiction can develop in anyone and at anytime, regardless of age, socioeconomic status or cultural background. The line between things that are habitual and those which are addictive is the fact that habits are those actions done out of choice and a person could successfully stop those behaviors at any time. On the other hand, addictive behavior can develop in anyone and is a repetitive process that is used to distract us from feeling deeper discomfort, pain and trauma. Whether it is through a substance, thoughts or activities, addictive behaviors is to distract someone from actual pain they may experience.

Those actions–whether negative (such as substance abuse) or positive (such as exercise)–release powerful chemicals called endorphins in the brain which allows people to feel pleasure. The release of these chemicals reinforces the behavior and the addict will constantly engage in those behaviors that will help them feel good and becomes reinforced by repeating those actions; however, the real source of their stress and anxiety is not being addressed. People will continue to engage in those behaviors that are pleasing while the real source of their problems will continue to grow worse over time. As a result, those who are addicted are not aware of the damage their behavior is creating in their environment.

What Are The Common Addictions That Affect People?

While the primary focus of addiction is on drugs and alcohol, people can develop addictions to other things and activities and the effects of their lives and the lives of the family and loved ones can be equally devastating. Some common examples of these addictions can be the following:


People who are addicted to food tend to overeat or eat in binges, and they’re unable to control their eating. People who engage in these behaviors may do so because they are trying to cope with past trauma or fast failed relationships as example People who are addicted to food are often overweight or obese, but those of normal weight can also suffer from food addiction.


Shopping is an addiction in which people who are affected compulsively spend money regardless of need or if they can realistically can afford those purchases. It is estimated that six percent of the American population is affected by shopping addiction, and it can cause enormous financial difficulties for people. People who are addicted to shopping find it to be a stress reliever, and ironically, it helps them forget about their problems, especially money problems.


People enjoy the thrill they get from gambling and the risk that comes with it. Like shopping, gambling is a type of impulse control disorder. Those who are addicted to gambling often become obsessed with the thought of winning back the money they have lost, and so they continue to gamble despite the financial consequences.


Some people are addicted to emotional intimacy, which is a love addiction. People with this form of addiction engage in compulsive patterns in romance, sexuality and relationships that have harmful consequences for the addict and their partners. They seek the high that comes from being in love, and while it may be viewed as less damaging as other forms of addiction the end result can be broken relationships, lost marriages and custody issues.



People who are addicted to exercise are seeking out the rush of endorphins and adrenaline they feel from working out. Too much exercise can even lead to physical problems.

The Many Facets of Addiction

In addition to the ones listed above, people can also develop addictions towards the internet, pornography, anger and rage, body image, and video games to name a few. When people experience these types of addictions, they may feel guilt, shame or embarrassment they allowed themselves to fall into these traps. If you or a loved one are experiencing an addiction of any kind, there is help available to you that can allow you to break the cycle of addiction and reclaim your life. You can consult with your doctor, physician or an addiction specialist in regards to possible treatment options. Additionally, there are countless 12-Step programs that are available for many forms of addictions. While addiction can be very painful, there is help and resources available to help you find peace, serenity and recovery.

Electronic gambling machines and Internet gambling are the most addictive types of gambling games out there.

The first thing to consider when asking the question about the most addictive types of gambling is that not all gambling problems are created equal. Of the four different types of problem gamblers, the two that are possibly the most opposite in nature are the Action Gambler and the Escape Problem Gambler. The Action Problem Gambler tends to be drawn toward skill-focused games such as poker or blackjack, while the Escape Problem Gambler prefers to sit in front of a slot machine, alone. That being said, there are studies that show some types of gambling games to be more addictive than others. (learn more about Types of Gamblers)

Types of Gambling That Can Lead to Addiction

Electronic Gambling Machines

Types Of Gambling Machines

According to Help Guide, electronic gambling games may be the most addictive gambling games out there. Help Guide suggests that gamblers who play using electronic machines become problem gamblers almost three times earlier than those who stick with table games and racetrack gamblers. The exact numbers are 1.08 years for an electronic machine gambler to become addicted, versus the 3.58 years that is average for table game and race track gamblers to become addicted.

The Illinois Institute for Addiction Recovery considers these types of gambling - slot machines and video poker - to be the 'crack cocaine' of gambling. The Institute claims that it is their immediate gratification that makes video poker and slot machines so very addictive. Also, the Institute has found that gamblers progress much more quickly to the dangerous phases of gambling addiction when playing these electronic machines.

Internet Gambling

Types Of Gambling Addictions

Internet gambling can be one of the easiest forms of gambling to hide from friends and family. In this type of gambling, gamblers can shut the door and erase their internet files to hide any evidence that they have been gambling online. Help Guide studied 389 gambling addicts who sought care at a health clinic. Only 31 participants reported that they were addicted to internet gambling, but these 31 were pathological gamblers. The study indicated that while internet gambling was the least common type of gambling noted, those who gambled on the internet were more likely to develop problematic gambling habits.


Types of gambling pdf
  • The Illinois Institute for Addiction Recovery
  • Help Guide

Types Of Gambling In China

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Types Of Gambling

Types Of Gambling Addiction

Types Of Gambling

Types Of Gambling Tables

APA Reference
Gluck, S. (2008, December 16). Which Types of Gambling Are the Most Addictive and Why?, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2020, December 18 from https://www.healthyplace.com/addictions/gambling-addiction/most-addictive-type-of-gambling