Craps Betting Odds Horn

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The horn bet is found in the middle of the craps table where the proposition, or just “prop,” bets are. A horn bet is a bet split between the numbers 2, 3, 11 or 12. A $4 horn bet is a bet of $1 on each number. If one of your numbers hits, the 2 and 12 pay 30-to-one and the 3 and 11 pay 15-to-1. A Lay button denotes this bet. The Horn Bet is a wager on a combination of four numbers: 2, 3, 11 and 12 (horn). If any of these numbers are rolled, you win, if any other number is rolled, you lose. One-fourth (1/4) of the Horn Bet is bet on each of the individual numbers, (2, 3, 11 and 12). The Horn is a one-roll bet. Come Bet Odds are inactive on the Come Out roll unless called “on” by the player. Odds on the Pass Line/Come Bet for the point of 4 or 10 may be a maximum of 2 times your Pass Line/ Come Bet and play 2 to 1. On the point of 5 and 9 the Odds may be a maximum of 2 times your Pass Line/Come Bet and pays 3 to 2. A five-unit bet that is a combination of a horn and any-seven bet, with the idea that if a seven is rolled the bet is a push, because the money won on the seven is lost on the horn portions of the bet. The combine odds are 26:5 on the 2, 12, 11:5 on the 3, 11, and a push on the 7. World See whirl wrong way bettor.

Craps dice

Craps Betting Odds Horn Chart

The following is a glossary of terms used in the dice game craps. Besides the terms listed here, there are many common and uncommon craps slang terms.[1][2][3]


ace deuce
A roll of 3


Big Red
The number 7 or a bet for any 7 to appear
A slang term for the dice
box numbers
The place numbers (4,5,6,8,9,10)
A roll of or bet on 12


center field
Nine, often called Center Field Nine
change only
when a player buys into a game specifically with cash, the 'only' means no bets are being placed at the time of the buy in. Can also be used when a player colours in. (Dealers will say this out loud so that a player can't take a shot and say he wanted a bet on X.)
Cheque change
Breaking down a chip into smaller denomination chips.
colour up
The process of changing denominations of chips to larger denominations
cold dice
also known as a cold table; an expression used when players are not hitting the established point and sevening out
come out
1. The initial roll of the shooter
2. To roll the dice when no point has been established[4]
crap out
To roll a 2, 3, or 12 on the come out roll. A player betting on the Pass line or Come loses on crap out, but the roll does not lose when a point is established. Don't Pass and Don't Come wins if a 2 or 3 craps is rolled on come out, but ties (pushes) if a 12 is rolled on come out. The shooter may continue rolling after crapping out.
the numbers 2, 3, and/or 12


double pitch
In dice control, when the dice stay on axis which rarely occurs (less than 5% of the rolls), but one turns two faces more than the other. If players set the dice with the same face, such as a hard ways or 3V set, the roll may likely result in a seven.
To remove or reduce a bet, players often say 'take it down'


easy way
Rolling an even number with any combination other than doubles. Applies to 4, 6, 8, and 10 only.
even money
Any bet that pays out at 1:1.


fever five
A roll of 5, also called five fever
free odds
Simply known as odds, is the odds which can be taken or laid behind the Pass/Come or Don't Pass/Don't Come. These are paid at true odds.
A player who bets at or near table minimum, normally for extended periods of time; very annoying.


Slang for the field bet
A good tipper


hard way
Rolling a 4, 6, 8, 10 with a pair of the same number
a single roll bet for 2 or 12
a single roll bet for 2, 11, or 12
A bet on or roll of 12, also see boxcars
A single roll bet for a specific combination of dice to come out. Pays 15:1 for easy ways and 30:1 for hard ways
A divided bet on the 2, 3, 11, 12
horn high
A horn bet with addition units going to a specific number. For example 'horn high ace deuce' would generally mean a 5 unit bet with 2 units going on the 3.
hot dice
also known as a hot table; an expression used when players are hitting the established points or rolling for long durations without seven outs


inside numbers
betting on the 5, 6, 8, 9


To bet on a seven to come before a specific point number. Lays are paid at true odds with commission taken.
lay odds
To give odds behind a Don't Pass or Don't Come. Betting against the shooter
Little Joe
Point 4
a single roll bet for a 2


A shooter who allegedly implements dice control


Rolling a 7 or 11 on the come out roll
Rolling or betting on a 9


1. The come out roll; when no point has been established
2. To have a bet on the table but not in play. The bet can not be won from or lost when it is Off.
1. When a point has been established
2. A bet that is in play (working).
outside numbers
betting on the 4, 5, 9, 10


To parley a bet is to take all the winnings from the previous bet (or up to maximum allowed for bet if winnings exceed maximum) and add it to the next bet.
To double a bet, players generally say 'press it' when doubling a bet, players can also press an additional one or more units and can increase the bet less than the original bet by saying 'press X units'
a tie


same bet
To keep the previous winning bet as is. If a player says same bet it does not mean to double the bet, that is referred to as 'pressing it'
seven out
A roll of 7 when the point is On. All bets on Pass, Pass Odds, Come, Come Odds, Place bets, Buy bets, hard ways and any single roll bets not for a seven loses. All bets on Don't Pass, Don't Pass Odds, Don't Come, Don't Come Odds, Lay bets and any single roll bets for a seven wins.
snake eyes
A roll of 2
A player who makes bets overly complicated and/or gives dealers unnecessary additional work


take odds
To bet odds behind a Pass or Come. Betting with the shooter[5]
take down
See down
true odds
The real odds for payout where house edge is 0%


A bet which is in play and can be won or lost.
A five-unit bet that is a combination of a horn and any-seven bet, with the idea that if a seven is rolled the bet is a push, because the money won on the seven is lost on the horn portions of the bet. The combine odds are 26:5 on the 2, 12, 11:5 on the 3, 11, and a push on the 7.
See whirl
wrong way bettor
When a person is betting against the shooter on the Don't Pass Line.


A roll or bet on 11 (6-5, 5-6), short for Yo-leven
Craps betting odds horn bet


  1. ^'Craps Lingo'. Retrieved 2016-03-03.
  2. ^'Craps Etiquette and Lingo Casino Gambling Game Rules and Strategy Guide'. Retrieved 2016-03-03.
  3. ^Jack Botermans (2008). The Book of Games: Strategy, Tactics & History. Sterling. pp. 545–. ISBN978-1-4027-4221-7.
  4. ^Craps A Smart Shooters Guide. Cardoza Publishing. pp. 24–. ISBN978-1-58042-576-6.
  5. ^R. D. Ellison (2001). Gamble to Win: Craps. Lyle Stuart, Kensington Publishing Corporation. pp. 42–. ISBN978-0-8184-0621-8.
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Online craps is an exciting game. In fact it is often thought of as the most exciting game in the casino and usually has crowds of people around the table observing the game and hooting and hollering.



Online craps is a game that is a bit misunderstood, not unlike the local bully who chases his friends away being mean, but really wants friends more than anything else in the world. Most players are shocked when they learn how simplified the game of online craps really is. However, it can appear complicated because of all the betting options, but it is one of the best games to beat the “house” odds on, and is truly riveting in nature. Once you become familiar with the “craps” lingo, it is easy to follow; it just takes a little time to get used to the terminology.

Basic Game
The game is played with 2 dice, which are rolled by “the shooter.” The shooter may place a bet. If the shooter gets a 7 or an 11 on the first roll, he wins; if you roll a 2, 3, or 12, you lose immediately or as they call it “crap out” (which is what it feels like incidentally). If you roll a 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10 (called a point), you continue rolling until you get the matching number (a 4 on the first roll and then another 4) and you win. However, if you roll a 7 before you roll the matching number, you loose.

The first roll is the “come out” roll. In a casino you can roll or pass the roll. In online craps casino play, you are generally the roller. The only bets that can be made before the first roll are the Pass-Line and Don’t-Pass bets.

  • Pass-Line: betting that the shooter will roll an immediate 7 or 11, or a point (4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10). You lose if the first roll is a 2, 3, or 12.
  • Don’t-Pass: wagering that the 1st roll will be a 2 or 3, (12 is a stand-off or tie). You lose if the shooter rolls a 7 or an 11 on the 1st roll. If a point is made (roll a 4 as an example) you are betting that the shooter will roll a 7 before he will roll another 4 (just think the exact opposite of a Pass-Line Bet).

The next possible bets are the Come and Don’t Come bets. These are made after the shooter makes the first roll.

Craps betting odds horn bet
  • Come Bet: the shooter will make the point (for example: roll a 5, and then another 5) before he/she rolls a 7. After the Come Bet is placed, ff a 7 or an 11 is rolled, you win; if you roll a 2, 3, or 12, you lose.
  • Don’t-Come Bet: your bet is that the shooter will roll a 7 before he/she makes the point. After the bet, if a 7 or 11 is rolled, you lose; however, a 2 or 3 is a winner, and a 12 is a tie (or stand-off). You are betting that the shooter won’t make the point (Don’t Come Point).

The next types of betting are Place Betting, Buy Betting, and Lay Betting. All of these bets are based on the point numbers of 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10.

  • Place Betting: you pick one of the possible points (4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10) and bet that that number will come up before a 7. You must choose a point, other than the existing point. If 6 is the point, you cannot make a place bet on a 6, but you can on all others.
  • Buy Betting: A Buy Bet is the same as a Place Bet, but you are betting that a point (4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10) comes up before a 7. You are buying a point number. You usually have to pay a 5% commission on this bet to the on-line casino, but you are given better odds.
  • Lay Bet: betting that a 7 will come up before a 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10. You choose a number (let’s say 6)and bet that a 7 be rolled before a 6. Since a 7 is has the most possible combinations, the on-line casino usually takes a 5% commission if you win, as a 7 is the most likely to be rolled.

Some Other types of bets are:

  • Field Bets: The Field Bet is betting that a 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, or 12 will come up on the next roll. This bet only covers 1 roll-the next one. If that number doesn’t come up, you lose.
  • Big 6 and Big 8 Bets: Betting that a 6 or an 8 will come up before a 7. Generally worse odds than making a Place Bet, though it is exactly the same thing as a place bet; you are just picking a different box on the crap table with worse odds.
  • Proposition Bets: These bets are placed at the center of the table, where you will see pictures of dice, and dice combinations. Here, you are betting on one roll-the next one. You are betting that a number, or even a set of numbers will come up on the next roll. You can choose “any craps” which is a 2, 3, or 12 bet; a 2 or 12 bet; 3 or 11 bet; or “any seven” bet. The pay-offs are high, but the chances are very low that you will win, as you only have 1 roll.
  • Hardway Bets: This is betting that 4 (double 2), 6 (double 3), 8 (double 4), or 10 (double 5) will come up before a 7 is rolled, or a different combination of that chosen number. For example, instead of double 3’s coming up for a 6, a 4 and a 2 come up for a 6.
  • Horn Bet: The next roll will either be a 2, 3, 11, or 12. You must put a bet on each number (for example, bet $20, and each number would have $5 on it), but only one number will win and three numbers will lose. So, only $5 can actually win.
  • Horn High Bet: You bet on the next roll: You choose 3 horn numbers (2, 3, 11, 12) and two numbers that you want. On the two numbers you choose, the bet is increased.

Dice Chart:

There are different numbers that come up because there are several ways it can appear. For example, an 8 can be rolled as a 2-6, 6-2, 5-3, 3-5, 4-4. However, a 2 can only come up one way: 1-1. It is helpful to see the dice and what the probabilities are that any number may come up on a dice roll.

Roll (Dice Combinations) Probability

2 (1-1) 1/36

3 (1-2; 2-1) 2/36 or 1/18

4 (1-3; 3-1; 2-2) 3/36 or 1/12

5 (1-4; 4-1; 3-2; 2-3) 4/36 or 1/9

6 (1-5; 5-1; 4-2; 2-4; 3-3) 5/36

7 (6-1; 1-6; 5-2; 2-5; 3-4; 4-3) 6/36 or 1/6

8 (2-6; 6-2; 5-3; 3-5; 4-4) 5/36

9 (3-6; 6-3; 4-5; 5-4) 4/36 or 1/9

10 (4-6; 6-4; 5-5) 3/36 or 1/12

11 (5-6; 6-5) 2/36 or 1/18

12 (6-6) 1/36

Suggestions For Playing Craps
Craps appears to be complicated because of the huge variety of different types of bets, and so many online gaming enthusiasts choose to avoid it altogether. However, if you stick to a few, basic bets, that have the best odds, you can build on more complicated bets later. The key, at first is to keep it simple and diversify after you have a good grasp of the game.

A good strategy to learn the game is to visit an online casino and try the Pass/Don’t Pass bets. There are plenty of online casinos where you can play for free until you get used the game. After playing for awhile add the Come/Don’t Come bets. From there, you can decide whether or not you want to add the additional bets, depending on your own personal style of gambling, with poor odds-big payoff, good odds-lower payout, etc.

Online craps casino play is a little different than going to a casino and playing a “live” game with other people. First, in a live game, you take turns throwing the dice around the table, and you don’t have to throw if you don’t want too. Second, you are always the shooter when playing at an online casino. Third, there may be a psychological edge working against you. Since you are the only “shooter” you may be reluctant to bet against yourself to bet Don’t Pass, Don’t Come. You are betting to make money, however, to bet against yourself may make you feel that you are betting negative-that you won’t Pass or make the Point. Some may find it difficult to do this.

Different books and online websites give varying advice on what is considered a good verses a poor bet. Here is a chart to help with deciding on what odds you want to live with.

Bet Types Probability/Odds House Edge

Come Out Roll
7 6/36 or 1/6

11 2/36 or 1/18

Pass Line Bet Even money 1.41%

Don’t Pass Bet Even money 1.36%

Come Bet Even money 1.41%

Don’t Come Bet Even money 1.36%

Place Bets (to lose)

4 or 10 5 to 11 3.03%

5 or 9 5 to 8 2.50%

6 or 8 4 to 5 1.82%


Place Bets (to win)

4 to 10 9 to 5 6.67%

5 or 9 7 to 5 4.00%

6 or 8 7 to 6 1.52%

Field Bet Even money 5.56%

Craps Betting Odds Horn Espn

Big 6/8 Even money 9.09%


Any Craps 7 to 1 11.11%

Any 7 4 to 1 16.67%

11 or 3 15 to 1 11.11%

Craps Betting Odds Horn

12 or 2 30 to 1 13.89%

Craps Betting Odds Horn Bet

Horn Bet What house specifies 12.50%